“i inherit causes not symptoms / like a house not broken into // in this country / there is a story they make out / of tumours / maybe you’ve heard of it // it begins with / death it ends / with day & in the middle / is every other part of the body // repeating / its own name back to itself”
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Topaz Winters’ third poetry collection spans three countries & three generations. In a far-reaching & deftly-woven series of ars poeticas, Winters questions the boundary between the things we inherit & those we owe, stands at the grave of the American dream, & unspools the enormous grace & guilt of being loved. So, Stranger stands as a fixed mark between the shifting histories & futures of being a daughter, being an artist, & being an immigrant. If its reader begins as a stranger, they end as part of a lineage: one both of grief & glory, of distance & arrival.
So, Stranger won the 2022 Button Poetry Short Form Contest & was selected as a LitBowl best poetry book of 2022. It debuted at Nook on August 13, 2022, followed by a three-week book tour across the East Coast of the United States. You can talk about the collection on social media using the hashtag #sostranger.
Read & watch selected poems: “Every Day the Same Story About Immigrants” (Ghost City Review), “I Found a New World Across the Sea” (Under a Warm Green Linden), “So, Stranger” (Button Poetry), “War Story With My Father” (Sundog Lit / Button Poetry), “Ars Poetica II: Season Finale of the American Dream” (Button Poetry), “That Summer I Wrote the Same Poem Over & Over” (diode), “Seventeen” (Button Poetry), “Ars Poetica VI: I Promise I Have Better Things to Say Than This” (Poetry Festival SG)
Tour / Goodreads / Spotify / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Bookshop

“A dazzling and a deeply moving collection.” — Monica Youn
“A dazzling and a deeply moving collection.” — Monica Youn |