“I ask only this: / if the sadness must stay, / at least let me dream it to water. / Let deliverance be the clouds / & healing the coming storm. / Let me wake to the sound of sky / filling up every broken promise. / Let me rain until I am cleaner / than I ever expected to be.”
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poems for the sound of the sky before thunder is a collection that tiptoes the infinitely blurred lines between hurting, hoping, & healing. It speaks of sleepless nights & softened tongues, telling a story dreaming & bone-bright & out of focus in the rain. These poems are only as much for losing as they are for finding, only as much for despair as they are for the light scattered within it, only as much for leaving as they are for finally coming home.
A collection of poetry from Math Paper Press. poems for the sound of the sky before thunder debuted at the Singapore Writers Festival on November 4, 2017, & inspired the dance performance “Rain” at the 2018 World’s Loneliest Bookstore installation by BooksActually. You can talk about the collection on social media using the hashtag #skybeforethunder.
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"Topaz is a weather system in her own right throughout this book, manifesting in both the lightest of rainfalls and deadliest of storms." — Caitlin Conlon
"Topaz is a weather system in her own right throughout this book, manifesting in both the lightest of rainfalls and deadliest of storms." — Caitlin Conlon |